Thursday 29 December 2011

Taxi Ride Storyboard

This piece of work is a hand drawn storyboard of the first 4 scenes of my script. I had to include camera shots and camera movements in this storyboard using arrows: White, big arrows for shots and black, thin arrows for camera shots. some shots I used were:
  • CU- Close up: From shoulders up
  • WS- Wide shot: The whole body of the person in focus.
Some camera movements I used were:
  • Boom- Camera moves up and down
  • Dolly- Camera moves as if following a person or moving between two people- sometimes on a track.
This is my work below:

Lights...Camera...Kardashian split from Humphries: 200 words

This is similar to the 150 word version of this 'magazine article' but I found it more challenging because I used the 150 word version as a template while I had to add more details, while trying not to exceed the word restriction. With a lot of thought, I eventually accomplished it.
This is my work below:

Lights...Camera...Kardashian split from Humphries
Unsurprisingly, Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries the basketball player split up after just 72 days from their incredibly OTT marriage in California, the land of sand and sunshine. Kim is heading to Australia to launch her new show which is called A Day in a Life of Kim Kardashian in Australia. She went to LAX airport to board her plane without any rings and is still waiting for the divorce to be finalised. Kris is said to be rather ‘devastated’ by the ‘surprising’ turn of events and from the dramatic split. Unlike Kim, he is still wearing the wedding ring. Unfortunately for him, I don’t think he realises that Kim is very serious about the divorce because, I state again, she is NOT WEARING HER WEDDING RING. But maybe Kris simply doesn’t quite understand that Kim is no longer feeling any warm feelings towards him. After all, Kim herself stated that she never was attracted to Kris as our sources tell us that the entire marriage was a complete hoax. Apparently, this was all an effort to boost the ratings for Kim’s new show. Poor, innocent and Kris: looks like he just got his heart stamped on till it broke into two.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Lights...Camera...Kardashian split from Humphries: 150 words

I used Microsoft Word to create this piece of work. This was similar to the Katy Perry writing copy because I had to use the same word restriction of 150 words but this had a different content. This is my work below:

Lights...Camera...Kardashian split from Humphries
Unsurprisingly, Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries the basketball player split up after just 72 days from their OTT marriage in California. Kim is heading to Australia to launch her new show which is called A Day in a Life of Kim in Australia. She went to LAX airport to board her plane without any rings and still waiting for the divorce to be finalised. Kris is said to be ‘devastated’ from the dramatic split and is still wearing the wedding ring. Unfortunately for him, I don’t think he realises that Kim is very serious about the divorce because, I state again, she is NOT WEARING HER WEDDING RING. But maybe Kris simply doesn’t understand. After all, Kim herself stated that she never was attracted to Kris as our sources tell us the marriage was a hoax. Apparently, this was all an effort to boost the ratings for Kim’s new show. Poor Kris.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Gaming Magazine- Audience and Content

These are my moodboards below:
 Questions and Answers:
 Describe the images added to your moodboards: games, game consoles, game companies, famous characters, cars, tv shows, sports, clothes, food, drink and hobbies. (P)

 Explain why you chose your images: I chose these images because they strongly represent who young men are and what they like/do. (M)

What does your moodboard communicate about your product? My moodboard (content) shows that young men are stereotyped to like mainly violent games because nowadays if you see a violent game, it normally has 15 or 18 written on it as the youngest group of people who are allowed to play these games. (M)

Who are your audience? How are they represented on your moodboard? 15 to 25 year old men. They are represented on my moodboard (audience) as males who love sports, hope to fall in love, love food and who love technology. (D)

Why are your chosen images appropriate? They are appropriate because young men tend to have a fascination with sports, mainly football. They also, stereotypically, get defensive over their chosen football teams so Man Utd is a good example of this. They also tend to love fast cars which is why the ferrari and Top Gear is a good choice for this. They also tend to love food so Mcdonalds and the beer represent this. They (most not all) have girlfriends and sometimes fall in love for the first time so the love heart represents this well. They (mainly 15 year olds) also love their trainers because they are the 'height of fashion'. Finally, I chose red as my main theme because red represents things like danger and anger and young men can be dangerous sometimes when they get angry because they haven't matured yet. (Sterotypically) (D) 

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Children's TV Moodboard

I used Publisher to create this piece of work. I found it really easy to do but challenging to create. What I mean by this is that this project was really easy in general but it was challenging to pick a theme. In the end, I chose to make the theme Disney. This is my completed work below:

Who Invited the Tiger?: 300 words

To create this piece of work I used Word. This is the extended version of my first Writing Copy of Katy and Russell's Wedding. It was quite challenging because even though I already had the 150 word version of their wedding as a template, I had to make sure I kept to the 300 word restriction so I had to be very careful about what I wrote.
This is my work below:

Who Invited the Tiger?
Katy Perry and Russell Brand’s wedding proved to be quite an incredibly lavish event involving a party pooper who took the form of a man-eating tiger! He gate crashed the wedding giving the newly wedded couple and their guests quite a fright! Luckily, no one was injured as the local security guards managed to divert the attention of the tiger. Hopefully, the tiger Russell bought Katy won’t be as terrible as the gate crasher! Speaking of lavish wedding gifts, these ones took the biscuit! Katy Perry bought Russell a baby elephant while he bought her a whopping chunk of ruby! Talk about rich! Concerning the elephant, I think Katy and Russell are starting a zoo... first the tiger, now the elephant! What’s next? A giraffe? Leaving that aside, the couple strictly demanded privacy and won’t be selling their wedding pictures to OK! Magazine or any other magazine for that matter. They are ignoring the rumours which are causing tension among the family and hope for some peace. Not very likely for a rich and famous couple! The wedding took place in the Indian Jungle with only family and close friends as guests. The after party took place on a beach resort. The couple wore many different outfits throughout the eventful day. Looks like not only are they starting a zoo, but they are a quick change couple too! Considering the fact that Katy was wearing a royal blue sari and Russell was wearing beige traditional clothes, maybe they are starting a fashion show! Looks like this couple have many undiscovered talents which are only being revealed to us on their wedding day! Among the few guests was a fortune telling parrot who foresaw good things for Katy and Russell.....are you sure about that Mr Parrot? Let’s hope the wedding lasts....

My Fashion Montage

To create this piece of work, I used Photoshop. The skills/tools/objects I used to produce it were:
  • Masking to cover the image.
  • Layers to produce new layers for different parts of the document.
  • Opacity to make the tulips (the design) look almost transparent.
  • Magic Wand to delete parts of the images which I didn't want.
  • Text to add the prices and names of the items within the frames.
  • Frames to make it look like a fashion montage.
  • Red tulips to add a design which will attract the reader.
I am very proud of this piece of work because it took a lot of time but I believe it was worth it because it is a work of art. (At least in my eyes!)
This is my work below:

Double Page Spread

I had to use InDesign to create this piece of work. The skills/tools I used were:
  • Rectangle Frame Tool to create columns.
  • Spreads to spread my work across two pages.
  • Place to place images in the document.
  • Display Page Quality to turn the blurred images into higher quality.
  • Drop Caps to show creativity.
  • Placeholder Text to show the Copy Writer where real text is going to be placed.
This is my work in progress below:

To improve I need to add Pull Quotes to draw the reader in.

Friday 25 November 2011

Media Evaluation

Media Evaluation
Skills I have developed:
Kanye West:
·         Masking: To cover the image of Kanye West.
·         Rulers: To align the coverlines and make the work look professional.
·         Coverlines: To grab the reader’s attention by giving them some insight about what is going to be included inside the magazine.
·         Masthead: Headline used to draw the reader into the magazine.
·         Magic Wand: To make the image neater by getting rid of anything in the background.
·         Brush Tool: To make hair look neater and get rid of any remainders of white background.
Nicki Minaj:
·         Coloured boxes: To show specific parts included in the magazine in order to draw reader in.
·         All the skills used in Kanye West.
·         Refine Edge: To make edges around her look neater (mostly her hair).
·         Flip Horizontal: To flip the image of Rihanna to the right (she originally faced the left).
·         Masking and Magic Wand for the same reasons used in Kanye West and Nicki Minaj.
Get the Look:
·         Fill Layer: This was when I had to mask the image then make a new layer. I then had to fill the new masked layer of the image (dress) with any colour I wanted (blue). I also did this for other images.
·         Masking and Magic Wand for the same reasons used in Rihanna, Kanye West and Nicki Minaj.
Fashion Montage:
·         Opacity: To make the design slightly transparent.
·         Masking, Magic wand and Refine edges for the same reasons used in the whole Photoshop module.
3 Column Layout:
·         Rulers to align text.
·         Pull Quote to draw reader in.
·         Rectangle Frame Tool to create 3 columns.
·         Drop Caps to show creativity.
·         Placeholder Text to show the Copy Writer where real text is going to be placed.
Double Page Spread:
·         Same skills used in 3 column layout for same reason.
Lady Gaga:
·         Text Wrap to make the place holder text flow through one column into another.
·         Pen tool to create path points.
·         Path Points: Points which go around an image in order to make the text wrap around the image.
·         Ruler to place heading and subheading above article.
·         Rectangle Frame tool and Placeholder text used for the same reasons as in the whole of the InDesign module.
Writing Copies:
·         Word restrictions to allow myself to write a restricted amount of words in a document.
Script Writing:
·         Business: Actions which are happening in the present tense.
·         Tabs for correct alignment of different parts of the text: character, business and slugline.
·         Character's name has to be in capital letters.
·         Slugline (where and when)
·         Font has to be in Courier New
·         Size of the font has to be 12
·         You have to say what you see (you don't say in the action Maria is angry; you have to show how she is angry. For example, Maria clenches her fists.)
The tasks which I enjoyed the most:
One of the tasks I enjoyed the most was the script writing task because I found it the easiest task to do as I was in my comfort zone; Creative writing. I also enjoyed making the fashion montage because it is the best piece of work I’ve done in Photoshop as I managed to complete it and make it look really creative.
The skills I am best at:
I believe I am best at writing scripts because creative writing is one of my strengths.  I am also best at the fashion montage because I liked using the frames and the opacity tool for my design as it was creative.
How these skills would help me further down the course:
These skills would help me because media is mostly about being creative and as being creative is one of my strengths, I should be able to cope with the more creative topics the further I get down the course.
The skills I need to get better at:
I need to get better at working at a time limit because I have the ability but incorporating this ability with working in a specific time limit is one of my weaknesses.
How I could get better:
I could get better by timing myself at home and completing work which I don’t finish in class (if possible) and uploading it onto my blog. By timing myself this way I will get better at working in tests, thus making this weakness my strength!

Monday 14 November 2011

Taxi Ride

In this piece of work I used the same skills/tools which I used in my first script writing piece, Boyfriend Cheating. However, I liked this one more because I didn't have to cram all my work into 2 pages. I could use my imagination to extend a bit more on my ideas. Out of everything we've done in media the script writing topic was my most favourite part and out of both scriptwriting pieces, as I said before, Taxi Ride is my favourite.
This is my piece of work below:

AVERY stands on the street. She has just come out of a nightclub and is teetering about on her too high heels. She is wearing a tight black dress, a bottle in one hand and a cigarette in the other hand. She gives a New York cab whistle then staggers; the effort exhausts her. A yellow taxi speeds down the street and stops next to the pavement AVERY is staggering about on.Slurring her words so much they are barely incomprehensible, she says:
(Heavily slurred and in an American Accent)Hey driver, you headin’ to 28th Brooklyn Avenue?
              TAXI DRIVER
          (In a British Accent) Sure thing. Get in.
(Still slurring her words)Your voice sounds funny. D’you have a cold or somethin’?
          (Offended and Coldly) No.
(Irritated) Don’t get in a huff with me old man. You don’t know who you’re messin’ with!
(Contemplating) I’m messing with an incredibly drunk girl who looks like a drug addict who needs to go to rehab.
(Incredibly offended) How dare you!!! (Voice rising up an octave) I’ll have you know I’m not a drug addict!!
As she says this she raises the hand containing the bottle and some of the drink spills.
(Continuing with her rant) I just happened to have some fun with is a foreign word to you old man. (Rolling her eyes)God, you British need to lighten up! You’re in America now. The state which is made of fun.
(Raising an eyebrow) Get in the car before you embarass yourself. (Muttering) Stupid American.
AVERY is still standing on the street and is on the verge of falling because she’s drunk and is wearing her too high heels.
          (Shouting) What did you just call me?!!!
              TAXI DRIVER
(Exasperated) I didn’t call you anything. I said I feel sorry for your parents. (Steely) Now get in the stupid car before you trip over your too high heels and land on your backside.
AVERY starts to get into the taxi but the TAXI DRIVER says:
              TAXI DRIVER
          (Emotionless) Drop the cigarette.
The TAXI DRIVER turns to face the wheel. AVERY mutters a string of foul language but drops the cigarette then clambers into the taxi. Her pride has been wounded so she sulks in the back of the car. The car starts driving. After a few minutes AVERY puts her hand to her mouth.
          (Muffled) I think i’m gonna be sick.
Quick as a flash the TAXI DRIVER keeps one hand on the steering wheel but uses the other hand to pass AVERY a bag which she immediately starts vomiting into. The TAXI DRIVER stares straight ahead but rolls down the windows to let the lingering stench of alchohol out. AVERY stops hurling and leans back with a sigh of relief.
          (Grudgingly) Thanks.
              TAXI DRIVER
          (Also in a grudging tone) You’re welcome.
AVERY and the TAXI DRIVER sit in silence for a few minutes. The TAXI DRIVER continues driving. All of a sudden AVERY sits bolt upright in the back of the taxi.
(Alert) Hey, where you goin’?! You’re goin’ the wrong way!! That’s not 28th Brooklyn Avenue!!!(Panicking) Where are you takin’ me?!!! (She bangs on the windows in hysterics)Help! Somebody help me! I’m being kidnapped by a crazy British guy!!
              TAXI DRIVER
(Annoyed and angry) Will you shut up? One, I’m not crazy and Two, I’m not kidnapping you.
(Still hysterical but no longer banging on the windows) You are taking me somewhere against my own free will which can therefore be classified as kidnapping.
(Rolling his eyes)I repeat. I’m not kidnapping you because I’m taking you home to England.
AVERY stares at the TAXI DRIVER, dumbfounded. After 5 seconds she starts laughing.
(In between laughs)And I used to think you British had no sense of humour.I think you’re the one who’s drunk and I’m sober. England? My home? (Bursting into more squeals of laughter) You’ve got to be kidding me.
(Frowning)As a matter of fact, I’m not kidding. I’m taking you home, Your Majesty.
AVERY stops laughing and stares at the TAXI DRIVER.
(Stammering) D-d-did you just call me y-y-your majesty?
(Looking at her through the rearview mirror)Yes I certainly did. I’ll explain everything to you when we get on the plane travelling to England.
The TAXI DRIVER looks at AVERY again through the rearview mirror.
              TAXI DRIVER
(Smiling) Then we can get you something decent to wear. (Chuckling) Boy will your parents be surprised.
(Shocked) My parents are dead.
(Guilty) That was what we had to make you think. But now you are going to find out the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
AVERY stares at the TAXI DRIVER through the rearview mirror with her mouth hanging open. The TAXI DRIVER stares at her expression with amusement and continues driving.


I used Photoshop to create this piece of work. It is still a work in progress but I managed to get an okay amount of the task completed. These are the skills/tools I have used so far:
  • Refine Edges- This is a tool I had to use in order to neaten the edges around Rihanna (mostly her hair).
  • Flip Horizontal- This was used to flip the image of Rihanna to the right (she originally faced the left).
  • Masking- This was used to cover the image of Rihanna.
  • Magic Wand tool- This was used to cut out any unwanted parts of the original image (all I needed was her head).
This is my work in progress below:

To improve I need to:
  • Make the edges neater by using the refine edges tool.
  • Add a coloured background.
  • Add an appropriate Masthead.
  • Add appropriate coverlines.
  • Only use 2 or 3 complimentary colours for the text.
  • Stick with the same font.

Lady Gaga

I had to use InDesign to create this piece of work. The skills/tools I have used to create this work are:
  • Pen tool- This is used to create path points
  • Path Points- These are points which go around the image (Lady Gaga) and are used to make the text wrap around the image (Lady Gaga).
  • Text Wrap- This is to make the placeholder text flow from one column to another.
  • Placeholder Text- Fake text which is used in a document to show the Copy Writer where the real text is supposed to be placed.
  • Rectangle Frame tool- This is used to create columns.
This is my piece of work:
Concerning the comment you gave me before, I have decided to improve my work using the tips you gave me. This is my new and improved work above:

Who Invited the Tiger? : 150 words

This piece is just one form of writing copy. In this piece of work I had to cut down 14 paragraphs of Russell Brand and Katy Perry's wedding into just 150 words. I did this by reading through their 14 paragraph wedding and summarising it into 14 sentences. I expanded a bit on each sentence but I managed to keep to the word restriction easily because I already had summaries which I could look at and expand on slightly.
This is my work below:
Who Invited the Tiger?
Katy Perry and Russell Brand’s wedding proved to be quite a lavish event involving a party pooper who was in the form of a man-eating tiger! He gate crashed the wedding giving the newly wedded couple quite a fright! Hopefully, the tiger Russell bought Katy won’t be as terrible as the gate crasher! The couple strictly demanded privacy and won’t be selling their wedding pictures to OK! Magazine and are ignoring the rumours which are spreading fast. The wedding took place in India with only family and close friends as guests. As far as wedding presents go, these ones took the biscuit! Katy Perry bought Russell a baby elephant while he bought her a ruby! Let’s hope this elephant doesn’t cause quite as much ruckus as the gate crashing tiger! Among guests was a fortune telling parrot who foresaw good things....are you sure about that? Let’s hope the wedding lasts....

Boyfriend Cheating

I found this task really easy and it is the best thing I've done so far. I think this is because I found it really easy to do as I was in my comfort zone; creative writing. The tools/skills/rules used to create this piece of work were:
  • Tabs for correct alignment of different parts of the text: character, business and slugline.
  • Character's name has to be in capital letters.
  • Business (action) has to be in the present tense.
  • Slugline (where and when)
  • Font has to be in Courier New
  • Size of the font has to be 12
  • You have to say what you see (you don't say in the action Maria is angry; you have to show how she is angry. For example, Maria clenches her fists.
This is my work below:

THALIA sits at the bus stop; she sways a little and can’t keep her head up. RHYLETTE sits down next to THALIA and wakes her up; THALIA is sleeping at this point.
          Wake up THALIA!
THALIA gives a snort and wakes up. Slouching and slurring her words she says:
          (Slurred) What do you want? Why did you wake me up?
(Calmly) I woke you up because you are not supposed to be sleeping.   It’s only 7pm! (Unable to meet THALIA’S gaze)By the way, I’ve got some really bad news.
THALIA sits up straight.
          (Alert) What is it? Who died?
          (Exasperated) No one died you daft banana. But I want to.
          (Confused) What are you on about?
(Sheepish) You see how me and you are best friends and all that? I kinda... sorta... Well I don’t-
THALIA interrupts
          (Irritated) Speak up already!
          (Guilty) Your boyfriend is cheating on you with me.
THALIA looks at RHYLETTE with a blank expression on her face. 3 seconds pass then her face contorts with anger.
(Angry) How could you? You’re supposed to be my best friend!!
          (Miserable) I didn’t mean to! He persuaded me.
(Hissing) You were supposed to resist. He’s my boyfriend and you should know better than to use your filthy hands to steal him from me. (Venomous)I hate you!
(Hurt) It was his fault. He told me not to tell you but I couldn’t because you are my best friend. We still are best friends right?
While she is saying this THALIA stumbles away from the bus stop, kicking RHYLETTE as she goes. RHYLETTE is left at the bus stop looking at the ground and rubbing her sore leg from where THALIA kicked her. RHYLETTE slips a knife out of her pocket. She stands up with a determined look on her face.
(Looking at the sky) Thalia, I told you it wasn’t my fault but you didn’t listen because you don’t trust me. I can’t live in a world where you will never forgive me and your boyfriend will continue to mock me. I guess it’s time for me to bid this world goodnight.
RHYLETTE strides away from the bus stop with her knife in hand. END OF SCENE. 

Monday 7 November 2011

3 Column Layout

I have used InDesign to create this piece of work. The skills/tools I have used are:
  • Rulers to align text.
  • Pull Quote to draw readers in.
  • Place holder text so that I know where I'm going to place real text.
  • Drop Caps to show creativity.
  • Rectangle frame tool to create 3 columns and to place text and pictures inside.
I understood what to do in this piece of work and I was able to complete it. Because of this I am very pleased. I had some help but overall I believe it was a very good piece of work.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Nicki Minaj

This piece of work was made using the same skills/tools I have learnt before:
  • Masking
  • Magic Wand
  • Layers
  • Rulers
However this piece of work is different from the Kanye West because I have added more coverlines and a clear masthead (Exposed). I think I have done better in this piece of work than the Kanye West one because even though this piece of work is still unfinished, I have had more text to align using the rulers. Therefore, it is clear that I have definitely used the rulers.

Kanye West

I used Photoshop to produce my magazine cover. It is still a work in progress but I understood what to do; all I needed was a little bit of help. I used rulers to align my work and I was able to mask the image with only a little bit of assistance and I was able to import images easily. I have created a clear masthead and I have added only one coverline. But as I said, it is still a work in progress.
Skills I used:
  • Rulers to align the coverlines (text on the magazine cover) and make the work look professional
  • Two colours to complement the image (Kanye West was wearing grey, red, black and white and so far I have used the colours red and black)
  • A legible font so that the reader can understand the text
  • As I stated before, a clear masthead (SOURCE)
  • An appropriate coverline (Kanye West)