Thursday 29 September 2011

Nicki Minaj

This piece of work was made using the same skills/tools I have learnt before:
  • Masking
  • Magic Wand
  • Layers
  • Rulers
However this piece of work is different from the Kanye West because I have added more coverlines and a clear masthead (Exposed). I think I have done better in this piece of work than the Kanye West one because even though this piece of work is still unfinished, I have had more text to align using the rulers. Therefore, it is clear that I have definitely used the rulers.


  1. Khadijat
    Brilliant work
    You have made some great colour decisions. It all goes together well.
    This is a merit so far.
    To make this even better you could:
    Align everything to the left and right hand sides of the page
    Change the Nicki Minaj to capitals and the subheading smaller. Also reduce the gap between the lines of text.
    Make the text inside the boxes fit within the outlines. It could look a bit neater.
    Also think about how to fix the big black text box in the middle. It looks like it's just been plonked there.
    Mr Monahan.

  2. Thank you!!! I will take your feedback into account and improve in order for me to achieve a distinction.
