Monday 7 November 2011

3 Column Layout

I have used InDesign to create this piece of work. The skills/tools I have used are:
  • Rulers to align text.
  • Pull Quote to draw readers in.
  • Place holder text so that I know where I'm going to place real text.
  • Drop Caps to show creativity.
  • Rectangle frame tool to create 3 columns and to place text and pictures inside.
I understood what to do in this piece of work and I was able to complete it. Because of this I am very pleased. I had some help but overall I believe it was a very good piece of work.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent
    This is a Distinction
    You have created the right layout with three columns and added an image and placeholder text. You have added a DROP CAP to the beginning and a PULL QUOTE to get the reader's attention.
    To make this even better you could make sure the last column of text aligns at the top with the image. Also think about choosing a colour for your pull quote that matches something in the image - there's a lot of green there to choose from! It will help make it feel like ti goes together

    Well done
    Mr Monahan
