Wednesday 30 November 2011

Who Invited the Tiger?: 300 words

To create this piece of work I used Word. This is the extended version of my first Writing Copy of Katy and Russell's Wedding. It was quite challenging because even though I already had the 150 word version of their wedding as a template, I had to make sure I kept to the 300 word restriction so I had to be very careful about what I wrote.
This is my work below:

Who Invited the Tiger?
Katy Perry and Russell Brand’s wedding proved to be quite an incredibly lavish event involving a party pooper who took the form of a man-eating tiger! He gate crashed the wedding giving the newly wedded couple and their guests quite a fright! Luckily, no one was injured as the local security guards managed to divert the attention of the tiger. Hopefully, the tiger Russell bought Katy won’t be as terrible as the gate crasher! Speaking of lavish wedding gifts, these ones took the biscuit! Katy Perry bought Russell a baby elephant while he bought her a whopping chunk of ruby! Talk about rich! Concerning the elephant, I think Katy and Russell are starting a zoo... first the tiger, now the elephant! What’s next? A giraffe? Leaving that aside, the couple strictly demanded privacy and won’t be selling their wedding pictures to OK! Magazine or any other magazine for that matter. They are ignoring the rumours which are causing tension among the family and hope for some peace. Not very likely for a rich and famous couple! The wedding took place in the Indian Jungle with only family and close friends as guests. The after party took place on a beach resort. The couple wore many different outfits throughout the eventful day. Looks like not only are they starting a zoo, but they are a quick change couple too! Considering the fact that Katy was wearing a royal blue sari and Russell was wearing beige traditional clothes, maybe they are starting a fashion show! Looks like this couple have many undiscovered talents which are only being revealed to us on their wedding day! Among the few guests was a fortune telling parrot who foresaw good things for Katy and Russell.....are you sure about that Mr Parrot? Let’s hope the wedding lasts....

1 comment:

    You have written a great article by using the 5Ws. Your article is clear and easy to understand. It reads well and the main points of the story have been preserved. You have stuck to the word limit which is a good skill

    Just make sure you use appropriate paragraphs - this is a good way to separate different ideas in the story. It also makes it a little less daunting for the audience to read.
    Well done

    Mr Monahan
