Monday 14 November 2011

Boyfriend Cheating

I found this task really easy and it is the best thing I've done so far. I think this is because I found it really easy to do as I was in my comfort zone; creative writing. The tools/skills/rules used to create this piece of work were:
  • Tabs for correct alignment of different parts of the text: character, business and slugline.
  • Character's name has to be in capital letters.
  • Business (action) has to be in the present tense.
  • Slugline (where and when)
  • Font has to be in Courier New
  • Size of the font has to be 12
  • You have to say what you see (you don't say in the action Maria is angry; you have to show how she is angry. For example, Maria clenches her fists.
This is my work below:

THALIA sits at the bus stop; she sways a little and can’t keep her head up. RHYLETTE sits down next to THALIA and wakes her up; THALIA is sleeping at this point.
          Wake up THALIA!
THALIA gives a snort and wakes up. Slouching and slurring her words she says:
          (Slurred) What do you want? Why did you wake me up?
(Calmly) I woke you up because you are not supposed to be sleeping.   It’s only 7pm! (Unable to meet THALIA’S gaze)By the way, I’ve got some really bad news.
THALIA sits up straight.
          (Alert) What is it? Who died?
          (Exasperated) No one died you daft banana. But I want to.
          (Confused) What are you on about?
(Sheepish) You see how me and you are best friends and all that? I kinda... sorta... Well I don’t-
THALIA interrupts
          (Irritated) Speak up already!
          (Guilty) Your boyfriend is cheating on you with me.
THALIA looks at RHYLETTE with a blank expression on her face. 3 seconds pass then her face contorts with anger.
(Angry) How could you? You’re supposed to be my best friend!!
          (Miserable) I didn’t mean to! He persuaded me.
(Hissing) You were supposed to resist. He’s my boyfriend and you should know better than to use your filthy hands to steal him from me. (Venomous)I hate you!
(Hurt) It was his fault. He told me not to tell you but I couldn’t because you are my best friend. We still are best friends right?
While she is saying this THALIA stumbles away from the bus stop, kicking RHYLETTE as she goes. RHYLETTE is left at the bus stop looking at the ground and rubbing her sore leg from where THALIA kicked her. RHYLETTE slips a knife out of her pocket. She stands up with a determined look on her face.
(Looking at the sky) Thalia, I told you it wasn’t my fault but you didn’t listen because you don’t trust me. I can’t live in a world where you will never forgive me and your boyfriend will continue to mock me. I guess it’s time for me to bid this world goodnight.
RHYLETTE strides away from the bus stop with her knife in hand. END OF SCENE. 

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