Thursday 29 September 2011

Kanye West

I used Photoshop to produce my magazine cover. It is still a work in progress but I understood what to do; all I needed was a little bit of help. I used rulers to align my work and I was able to mask the image with only a little bit of assistance and I was able to import images easily. I have created a clear masthead and I have added only one coverline. But as I said, it is still a work in progress.
Skills I used:
  • Rulers to align the coverlines (text on the magazine cover) and make the work look professional
  • Two colours to complement the image (Kanye West was wearing grey, red, black and white and so far I have used the colours red and black)
  • A legible font so that the reader can understand the text
  • As I stated before, a clear masthead (SOURCE)
  • An appropriate coverline (Kanye West)


  1. Khadijat
    Excellent explanation of what you did to create this magazine cover. It is great to see that you can explain really clearly what you did and the decisions you took

    Great work. You have used good masking skills to produce this document. The masking is neat and professional -which is exactly what we need to see.
    This is a merit so far.

    What do you think you could do to make this even better? Think about the cover lines and the use of fonts and colours

    Well done
    Mr Monahan

  2. Thank You!!! I will improve by completing this piece of work which I will accomplish by adding more coverlines. Masking is one of my strong points which is why I managed to make my work look neat and professional. I will continue to use 2 or 3 font colours.
