Sunday 8 April 2012

WDK Sports Questionnaire

This questionnaire was created in Word. I based this questionnaire on the magazine Firdowsa, Lauren and I created by using questions that related to the content of the magazine. This is my piece of work below:

WDK Sports Questionnaire:
1.    How old are you?
·       10-12
·       13-16
·       17-21
·       Other:
2.  What is your gender?
·       Male
·       Female
3.  Are you interested in sports?
·       Yes
·       No
·       Maybe
4.  If yes, why are you interested in sports?
5.  Would you like to go to the 2012 Olympics?
·       Yes
·       No
·       Maybe
6.  Do you have a sports fashion sense?
·       Yes
·       No
·       I never really think about it
·       I don’t care how I look
7.  Do you like sporty perfumes?
·       Yes
·       No
·       I don’t know
8.  How much would you spend on a sports and leisure magazine?
·       50p
·       100p-150p
·       200p-250p
·       300p or more
9.  Are you a competitive person?
·       Yes
·       No
·       Maybe
10.    Why/Why Not?

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