Saturday 7 April 2012

Magazine Production Proposal

This was a proposal I produced as part of the magazine project. This shows our plan for our sports and leisure magazine and it includes what we are looking for in our audience and what was originally going to be in our magazine. This is the piece of work below:

Media Production Proposal
Group names and contact details:
We Don’t Know Productions
Khadijat Oyeleye
Lauren Mayne
Firdowsa Jama

Project title:
WDK Sports

Type of Magazine
An interesting and engrossing read on sports and leisure.
8 pages long
Every Friday a new issue can be found in sports shops like JD Sports, Sports Direct and Foot Locker.

Purpose of Product:
To interest girls (especially those who have more feminine tastes) as well as boys in sports activities such as the Olympics and leisure activities such as music and films.
-   Advert featuring the Olympics and the Olympic mascots.
-   Advert on back page features Sporty Scents: Perfumes and deodorants which you can wear while playing sports
-   Fashion Montage featuring the best sports clothes for Him and for Her
-   A Hobbies Page
-   An Editor’s Note
Target Audience:
Our magazine is aimed at teenage boys and girls between the ages of 13 and 16. They care about sports and they enjoy leisure activities. They also know how to look good even when playing sports.
They are active but they may not necessarily like sports but they might care about the Olympics. They also may like competitions and they should enjoy or like winning exciting prizes. They should care about personal hygiene and appearance.

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