Friday 20 April 2012

WDK Sports Front Page

This was part of the magazine project I completed with Lauren and Firdowsa. Lauren and I created this together. Our picture on the front page is one of beach volleyball which combines sports and leisure together: (beach, where leisure activities take place and volleyball, a sport). Our text colours compliment the background and we didn't use too many fonts. This is the piece of work below:

Sunday 8 April 2012

Descriptive Moodboard of Woman

I made this piece of work in Publisher. This relates to the annotated version because I used pictures that related to the descriptions. I found this piece of work okay because I just had to look at the annotations and get pictures in correspondence to them. This is my piece of work below:

Descriptive Annotation of Woman

I used Publisher to create this piece of work. This is also a stereotypical observation of the picture in the middle. I have looked at a range of aspects such as her demographic group and lifestyle group. This is my piece of work below:

WDK Sports Questionnaire

This questionnaire was created in Word. I based this questionnaire on the magazine Firdowsa, Lauren and I created by using questions that related to the content of the magazine. This is my piece of work below:

WDK Sports Questionnaire:
1.    How old are you?
·       10-12
·       13-16
·       17-21
·       Other:
2.  What is your gender?
·       Male
·       Female
3.  Are you interested in sports?
·       Yes
·       No
·       Maybe
4.  If yes, why are you interested in sports?
5.  Would you like to go to the 2012 Olympics?
·       Yes
·       No
·       Maybe
6.  Do you have a sports fashion sense?
·       Yes
·       No
·       I never really think about it
·       I don’t care how I look
7.  Do you like sporty perfumes?
·       Yes
·       No
·       I don’t know
8.  How much would you spend on a sports and leisure magazine?
·       50p
·       100p-150p
·       200p-250p
·       300p or more
9.  Are you a competitive person?
·       Yes
·       No
·       Maybe
10.    Why/Why Not?

Saturday 7 April 2012

Descriptive Moodboard of Child

This piece of work was made in Publisher. It is the annotated description of the picture in the form of a moodboard. I found this task very easy because all I had to do was relate the pictures to the annotations. This is my piece of work below:

Descriptive Annotation of Child

 I used Publisher to create this piece of work. This is a stereotypical observation of the girl in the middle, but stereotypes that look most likely. I found this task easy, but also a brain-teaser because you couldn't just look at the picture and say what you see in the picture, you had to look deeply and pick out information about the child which you couldn't see in the picture. This is my observation below:

Sports Agony Aunt

This piece of work was completed in Word by me as a later development to the magazine project. This is it below:

Ask Khadijat!
Dear Khadijat,
I was swimming the other day, just enjoying myself. Then my bikini strap broke! I flushed red and I dashed out of the swimming pool as fast as I could because everyone was staring at me. I haven’t been able to step foot into a swimming pool because of this embarrassment. Please help me get over my fear!
Louise, 16
Dear Louise,
Your embarrassment at this issue is natural but you have to put into your mind that you are not the only one who has been through this dilemma. You should also wear swimming costumes with thick, strong straps so as not to go through this again. I will also send you my leaflet on Sporty Embarrassments to help you get through this.
Dear Khadijat,
I am not a sporty person but I have decided to take karate lessons to get a boy I really fancy to notice me but it still hasn’t worked and I’m not really enjoying the lessons. What do I do?
Kathy, 14
Dear Kathy,
If you don’t like karate then you shouldn’t do it and there’s no point in trying to impress a boy who doesn’t even know you exist! I would suggest you still do sports but try a sport you’d think you’d enjoy. I will send you my leaflet on Dating by Sport to help you with this issue.
Dear Khadijat,
I am really upset because every time we play sports, I always end up being picked last for every team because I am short, small, skinny and I wear glasses. I am actually not bad at sports but no one ever gives me a chance because they tell me to stay out of their way or expect getting beaten up. I walk home almost every day with bruises all over my body. Please help!
James, 13
Dear James,
These are just mean bullies! You need to take some self defence lessons like karate or taekwondo to be able to defend yourself from them so that they know that you are not someone to be messed with. You also need to show them your potential at sports because they are stereotyping you as a nerd which is why they think that you are not good at sports. I’ll send you my leaflet on Sports at School to help.

Olympic Writing Copy

This writing copy was produced by me for the magazine project. This was later combined with Lauren's Olympic advert to form a professional article. This is the writing copy below:

Welcome to 2012DON!!!
The sports taking place in the 2012 London Olympics will be:
·       Beach Volleyball
·       Archery
·       Basketball
·       Tennis
·       Boxing
·       Canoe Slalom
·       Canoe Sprint
·       Athletics
·       BMX Cycling
·       Road Cycling
·       Track Cycling
·       Diving
·       Equestrian Dressage
·       Equestrian Eventing
·       Equestrian Jumping
·       Fencing
·       Football
·       Artistic Gymnastics
·       Rhythmitic Gymnastics
·       Gymnastics Trampoline
·       Handball
·       Hockey
·       Judo
·       Modern Pentathlon
·       Rowing
·       Sailing
·       Shooting
·       Swimming
·       Synchronised Swimming
·       Badmindton
·       Table Tennis
·       Taekwondo
·       Triathlon
·       Volleyball
·       Water Polo
·       Weightlifting
·       And Wrestling!

A lot of sports you say? Well, that would be why it’s called the Olympics! Makes you proud to be a Londoner. If you want to be a future flame and a have a chance to meet your favourite Olympic Hero or Heroine and possibly compete in Olympics 2016 in a sport you excel at, here’s your chance! Make a creative and exciting poster which features a logo YOU have designed and the love you have for the Olympics and send it to this address:
Harris Academy Bermondsey
55 Southwark Park Road
SE16 3TZ
The winner gets a chance to see all of their favourite events in the 2012 Olympics and a chance to be trained by a professional trainer, depending on the sport they would like to do in Olympics 2016 and meet famous competitors in the Olympics 2012. They will also get an Ipad 2. There are 3 runners up and they get a chance to see 8 of the events and they get a Kodak camera and a chance to visit the 2016 Olympics. Don’t miss out if you want this exciting opportunity!  

Magazine Production Proposal

This was a proposal I produced as part of the magazine project. This shows our plan for our sports and leisure magazine and it includes what we are looking for in our audience and what was originally going to be in our magazine. This is the piece of work below:

Media Production Proposal
Group names and contact details:
We Don’t Know Productions
Khadijat Oyeleye
Lauren Mayne
Firdowsa Jama

Project title:
WDK Sports

Type of Magazine
An interesting and engrossing read on sports and leisure.
8 pages long
Every Friday a new issue can be found in sports shops like JD Sports, Sports Direct and Foot Locker.

Purpose of Product:
To interest girls (especially those who have more feminine tastes) as well as boys in sports activities such as the Olympics and leisure activities such as music and films.
-   Advert featuring the Olympics and the Olympic mascots.
-   Advert on back page features Sporty Scents: Perfumes and deodorants which you can wear while playing sports
-   Fashion Montage featuring the best sports clothes for Him and for Her
-   A Hobbies Page
-   An Editor’s Note
Target Audience:
Our magazine is aimed at teenage boys and girls between the ages of 13 and 16. They care about sports and they enjoy leisure activities. They also know how to look good even when playing sports.
They are active but they may not necessarily like sports but they might care about the Olympics. They also may like competitions and they should enjoy or like winning exciting prizes. They should care about personal hygiene and appearance.

Magazine Mindmap

This piece of work was created by Lauren, Firdowsa and I. This was our very first idea of what should be put in our magazines, but over the course of the project, some of our ideas changed. This is the piece of work below:

Sports and Leisure Moodboard

This piece of work was made by Lauren as part of the magazine product. She used publisher to create a moodboard based on sports and leisure. This is the finished product: