Monday 3 December 2012

My Crew Role

I am going to take the role of Director. This means that I am in charge of the creative aspects of our mockumentary; I have to turn the written script into images and sounds. I'm also in charge of shaping our mockumentary (i.e. putting everything together) which involves script editing and shot selection. 
 I am going to work closely with the camera person and assistant director in my group. These roles belong to Shana, Victoria and Carly at different points of our mockumentary.
I will need to work with the camera person because I have the overall decision on what camera angles will be used and as the camera person will be using these camera angles, I will need to tell them which angles are going to be used at different parts of our mockumentary.
I will need to work with the assistant director because she is my right hand person. This means that she is responsible for making sure that my artistic ambitions are achieved by providing logistical, organisational and time management support.
I will make a good director because I have a very vivid imagination. This means that I will find it easy to make my ideas come to life and flourish. I am also a very motivating team leader; I am always cheerful so I try to make people around me cheerful. Another reason why I will make a good director is because I take other people's ideas into consideration. This is due to the fact that I listen respectfully to others and if there is more than one general idea, I try to incorporate all of the separate ideas until they form one main idea.  

Friday 23 November 2012

Evaluating My Presentation

Evaluating My Presentation:

On Monday, we worked in our groups to deliver a pitch about our mockumentary. I decided to take the lead by discussing the storyline and talking about one of the characters (KayDee). I delivered my part of the presentation with confidence and ease.

One of the skills that I used was appropriate tone. I did this well because I emphasised certain words. I could do this skill better by exaggerating more to thoroughly engage the audience.

A second skill that I used was clear diction. I did this skill well because I knew what I was talking about so it was easy for me to pronounce the words that I used. I could do this skill better by using hand gestures and facial expressions to make the audience understand my ideas better.

A third skill that I used was eye contact with the audience. I did this skill well because I didn’t read straight off my paper which meant that my audience was engaged. I could do this skill better by using audience interaction; I could ask them questions to engage them in our presentation more.

A fourth skill that I used was projection of my voice. I did this skill well because I spoke loudly and clearly which meant that my audience could hear me and understand me. I could do this skill better by using different pitches e.g. low/high, as well as volume, when necessary to create a particular mood.

One skill that I didn’t use effectively was facial expressions. This is because my facial expression stayed the same throughout the presentation (happy). Jade also said that I need to develop this skill because she said that I need to “use facial expressions to communicate with the audience”. She said that I could do this by “practicing my facial expressions in front of a mirror to improve them”. I agree with this developmental feedback which is why I am going to practice a variety of different facial expressions in front of a mirror so that when I next do a presentation, I will be able to make my audience feel a range of different emotions.

A second skill that I need to improve is the use of hand gestures. This is because I didn’t memorise my script which meant that I had to hold the paper. Someone else in the class also said that I need to improve this skill and they said that I could do this by “putting down my paper”. This developmental feedback isn’t very clear because they didn’t say what would cause me to put down my paper i.e. memorising my script. However, I do agree with them and now I know that I should always memorise whatever I am going to say: I will be able to use more presentation skills this way.

Overall, I believe that I used appropriate tone, clear diction, eye contact and projection of my voice well. To improve, I need to use hand gestures and a range of facial expressions.

Friday 26 October 2012

Script for Act 1 Scenes 1, 2 and 3

KAYDEE (16) is a quiet book geek who has just come out of English and is walking down the polished hallway of Bermondsey High with her best friend JANAY (16) a shy film geek. KAYDEE is walking with a light spring in her step as it is a lovely summer day with a book clutched in her hand. JANAY is less cheerful and is slightly bent over as he walks and she is hugging her backpack to her chest. KAYDEE and JANAY are talking to the camera.
KAYDEE (In a gossiping tone)
I heard that NIKISHA has a crush on the English teacher MR BIEBER.
Camera switches to JANAY
JANAY (In a bored tone)
How can you not expect that? She goes for anyone and everyone who can boost her status.
The camera gives a close-up of JANAY’S face:
JANAY (In a gossiping tone)
NIKISHA has no shame. She flirts with everyone. I mean everyone… I guess…
Camera goes back to JANAY and KAYDEE
KAYDEE (More quietly)
Apart from girls of course.
JANAY (Scathing)
How do you know?
KAYDEE (Impressed)
As KAYDEE and JANAY walk slowly towards their lockers, NIKISHA (16) who is the manipulative leader of the “Barbies”/ school bully and CARLY (16) the dumber Barbie, march seductively past them with their stiletto heels tapping on the floor. NIKISHA pauses and turns towards JANAY and KAYDEE with an expert flick of her hair and her hand on one cocked hip. The camera is focused on NIKISHA.
NIKISHA (Rudely)
Looks like the rats have just climbed out of their sewer to attempt to mingle with higher society.
The camera switches to CARLY.
Yeah, Rats with a hint of geek.
CARLY snorts with laughter while NIKISHA glares at her. CARLY’S laughter ends abruptly.
The camera switches back to NIKISHA.
NIKISHA (Angrily)
Nice going, dorkface.
The camera switches to CARLY.
CARLY (Ashamed)
Sorry KISH.
The camera switches back to NIKISHA.
NIKISHA (Annoyed)
How many times have I told you to stop calling me that? It’s not my name and it will never be my name. Get it?
The camera switches to CARLY.
CARLY (Embarrassed)
NIKISHA cuts her eyes at CARLY and turns away. JANAY is hunched up with her hands clenched into fists, like she wants to hurt NIKISHA but she doesn’t know how. KAYDEE is standing protectively in front of JANAY with her chin up. The camera is focused on KAYDEE.
KAYDEE (with quiet anger)
Haven’t you two got anything better to do?
The camera switches to NIKISHA.
NIKISHA (with a smirk on her face)
As a matter of fact, we do. I’ve got a hot lunch date with the football team. I should be spending time fixing my hair and reapplying my make-up… oh wait… make-up is a foreign concept to you two rats.
NIKISHA and CARLY walk away, cackling with laughter. The camera watches them go. After they go, the camera switches back to KAYDEE.
KAYDEE (Reassuring JANAY)
Don’t worry about those witches. They’re just jealous because we’re smarter than them.
The camera switches to JANAY.
JANAY (Upset and Angry)
Thanks KAYDEE. You really are a true friend. Unlike some people.
JANAY walks away with KAYDEE trailing after her. The camera follows them.

JANAY and KAYDEE are walking towards the lunch hall with the camera following them. KAYDEE is talking about something from one of the books she is currently reading:
KAYDEE (Excited)
Well basically this book is called Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief and basically Percy is the son of the sea god Poseidon but he doesn’t know that yet and his best friend called Grover is a satyr (half man half goat) but he also doesn’t know that yet and then...
KAYDEE stops speaking because she notices that JANAY looks troubled and is lost in her own thoughts.
KAYDEE (Gentle)
What’s wrong?
JANAY is wrapped up in her thoughts so she doesn’t her the question. KAYDEE shakes her a little and repeats herself?
KAYDEE (Worried)
JANAY, what’s wrong?
JANAY shakes her head to clear it and forces a smile.
JANAY (with fake cheer)
KAYDEE looks unconvinced. JANAY slumps and exhales.
JANAY (Reluctantly)
I’m just remembering what NIKISHA did to me in Year 8.
JANAY turns to face the camera which gives a close-up of her face.
JANAY (Explaining)
In Year 8, NIKISHA and I used to be best friends. We were in film club together and we had to perform a drama piece on stage and KAYDEE was filming us.
KAYDEE pops her head into the shot and gives a little wave. KAYDEE pops her head back out of the shot.
JANAY (Continuing)
As I was saying, KAYDEE was filming us in film club because NIKISHA and I were performing a drama piece called Life as We Know It on stage. I was the main focus of the cameras because I was a better actress than NIKISHA. NIKISHA got really jealous and pushed me off the stage. I broke my leg and cried a lot. The teacher came in, saw me on the floor and kicked NIKISHA out of film club. I then realised that the 6 year friendship between NIKISHA and I was over.
The camera zooms out so that JANAY and KAYDEE are both included in the shot. JANAY stomps off leaving KAYDEE looking a little guilty because she knows something that NIKISHA and JANAY don’t...

Meeting Minutes for Mockumentary

                                                      Mockumentary Planning Meeting
Attended by: Shana Gregory, Victoria Achola-Wacha, Khadijat Oyeleye and Carly Woollard
Roles and responsibilities through  discussion                                                                                                     
Potential ideas for the mockumentary using structure discussion                                                                   
Brief synopsis and pro
Director, actress
Because she is a good leader and has creative ideas
Assistant Director, actress
Because  she has creative Ideas
Camera person, actress
Because she can film good footage
Costume and prop manager , assistant technical director
Because she is creative

1.       Where is it going to be set?
2.       What are you going to Mock?
We are going to Mock the Only Way Is Essex
3.       Who is going to be the focus?
In our Mockumentary we are going to focus on the Barbies and the Geeks.
4.       What characters are going to be involved?
The characters are going to be, Nikisha the school Barbie, Carly the UN smart Barbie, Kaydee the library geek and Shay the film geek.
5.       What is the massage of the show?
The message of the show is that Barbies and Geeks can be friends.
6.       How are you going to make it look like a Mockumentary?
To make into a Mockumentary we are going to exaggerate there movements and actions.
7.       What is your key story line?
The Barbies are trying to get attention from a really hot guy but he ends up liking the Geeks because the Barbies are too fake.

This is from when we first planned our Mockumentary so our ideas have changed since then.

Meeting Minutes for Character Profiles

Meeting Minutes for Character Profiles:
Present: Carly, Vicky, Shana and Khadijat
Apologies: None.
Age:  Nikisha: 16, Carly: 16, Janay: 16, KayDee: 16
Gender: Female
Character traits/ personality:
Nikisha: Mean, bossy and manipulative. She doesn’t let people stand in her way and she makes sure she gets whatever she wants. She doesn’t consider other people’s feelings; it’s all about her. Nikisha just hangs around with Carly to make herself look better because she believes that Carly isn’t a threat to her reputation. She is secretly jealous of Janay the film geek.
Carly: Bossy, spoilt and dumb. She is a follower who tries to be like Nikisha but she is not as mean as Nikisha. She’s isn’t as noticeable as Nikisha which means that people aren’t scared of her because they know that she is a girl with an obsession of popularity and Austin Mahone. Secretly, she’s very smart but she is playing dumb to please Nikisha so that she doesn’t get bullied.
Janay: A sweet, shy film geek who has a deep and irreversible passion for films. She likes filming people but not herself because she has an ambition of being a film director; she doesn’t like the spotlight. Janay is best friends with KayDee and she likes filming her when she reads or acts out storylines from her books. Secretly, she has stage fright.
KayDee: Quiet, smart and studious. She has an incredibly deep passion for books which often gets her confused with reality because she has so many quotes and storylines from books swimming around in her brain. Her best friend is Janay and they get along very well because she gives Janay ideas from books and her imagination for films. Secretly, she’s the school snitch and she knows the secrets of everyone in school but Carly blackmailed her so she reads books to keep her mind occupied.
 Funny habits:
Nikisha has a habit of applying makeup every 2 minutes and checking her reflection in a mirror; she is incredibly vain.
Carly has a habit of chewing gum and kissing posters of Austin Mahone.
KayDee has a habit of sticking pencils in her hair and talking fast.
Janay has a habit of filming people without asking for their permission.
Back Story:
Nikisha and Janay: Nikisha and Janay used to be a part of a film club together and they used to be best friends. One day when they were acting out a scene whilst being filmed, Nikisha got jealous of Janay because she was taking the spotlight and pushed her off the stage. Nikisha got kicked out of film club. Janay developed stage fright and stopped being friends with Nikisha.

Meeting Minutes for Screenplay

Meeting Minutes:
Present: Khadijat, Shana, Carly and Victoria
Apologies: None
Act 1 Scene 1:
KayDee the book geek and Janay the film geek are walking down the hallway gossiping about the school Barbies.
Act 1 Scene 2:
Nikisha and Carly walk past KayDee and Janay in the hallway. Nikisha decides to make irrelevant comments about Janay and KayDee in front of the camera. Nikisha and Carly walk away. 
Act 1 Scene 3:
Janay and KayDee are walking to the lunch hall. After a while, Janay talks about what Nikisha did to her in Year 8. Afterwards, she stomps off leaving KayDee feeling a little guilty because she knows something that they don’t...

Media Proposal for Mockumentary

Company Name: 
Barbz Productions.
Contact details:
HAB Southwark Park Road, Bermondsey SE16 3TZ
Title of show:
Bermondsey High.
Type of show:
Purpose of the show:
The purpose of the show is to show that everyone has secrets and although they may appear to fit into a particular clique, that doesn’t just mean that that is who they are.
Episode 1 is where we meet KayDee (a quiet book geek) and Janay (a shy film geek) and Nikisha (the manipulative leader of the Barbies/ school bully) and Carly (the supposedly dumber Barbie). This is where we find out that Nikisha and Janay used to be best friends until something happened which caused them to stop being friends.
Target Audience:
Our target audience is 14-17 year old girls because we believe that they will be able to relate more to what is happening as our characters are 16 year olds.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Analysing Data

Writing a Recce

Comparing the Conventions in a Mockumentary and Documentary

Interview vs. Narrative Convention:

One of the conventions used in the mockumentary “Summer Heights High” is the interview convention. This convention puts the characters more in their role as school kids due to the fact that kids wouldn’t necessarily know how to act in front of a camera. Therefore, the interview convention gives Jonah and his gang the prompts they need as being ‘school kids’. This makes the audience feel as if the interview shots are real, more believable and less rehearsed.

However, in the documentary “The Tribe” the narrative convention has been used instead. This shows that the narrator is an expert who knows what he’s talking about and he doesn’t need to be prompted, unlike Jonah and his gang. This convention makes the audience feel as if they are having an actual conversation with the narrator but the narrator is the one disclosing the information; they are just the listeners.

Quality of footage:

A second convention used in the mockumentary “Summer Heights High” is the quality of footage. In the mockumentary the camera is shaky to create the effect of the documentary and it also shows that the footage was low quality. This is because it shows that it has been shot and taken right there and then. This makes the audience feel as if the mockumentary is actually real because the camera is constantly switching from one place to the next, in order to catch every ounce of information.

On the other hand, in the documentary “The Tribe” the camera was a mixture of both slightly shaky and still. This shows that the footage was high quality but the camera had to be moved quickly in order to catch all of the action. This is because each action only happened once so it had to be caught as soon as possible in order to give the audience as much information as possible. This makes the audience feel satisfied because they are getting a lot out of the documentary.

Voice overs:

A third convention used in the mockumentary “Summer Heights High” is voice overs. However, they did not necessarily have voice overs because they used an interview convention because they had to fit into their role as school kids. School kids wouldn’t really know how to talk to the audience about a specific subject without prompts, even if they were “experts” in it because they are not professionals. This would make the audience of teenagers aged 15-21 feel more in touch with Jonah and his gang because they aren’t pretending to be smarter than they actually are.


On the other hand, in the documentary “Life” a voice over is used. The narrator’s voice is dramatic and exaggerated in order to create suspense. This together with the fact that all the sounds were exaggerated and the documentary is HD will make the viewer want to watch the documentary. This is because if the narrator is creating suspense, it means that “Life” has got to be good as the producers went to this extent to create such a dramatic trailer.

Quality of Filming:

A fourth convention used in the mockumentary “Summer Heights High” is the quality of filming. The filming was quite poor which suggested that they used a cheap camera because the mockumentary was not filmed in HD. This suggests that the makers of this mockumentary were quite tight on budget if they couldn’t film using the appropriate equipment. It also makes the mockumentary seem a little too exaggerated in their attempt to make it look like an actual documentary by making their filming look like they filmed it straight away without editing it.

Conversely, in the documentary “The Tribe”, the filming is in high quality which suggests that the producers had enough money to spend on the latest cameras in order to get the best possible footage. This means that even though they were filming on the spot, they still managed to get fantastic footage which shows that they are professionals who are experienced in making documentaries, so they know how to collect the appropriate footage.

Shot type and variety:

A fifth convention used in the mockumentary “Summer Heights High” is shot type and variety. In the mockumentary, some of the shot types used are close up shots, wide angle shots and extreme long shots. The close up shot is used to show extra detail so that the viewer won’t feel left out. This is because the viewer will want to know what is happening in the mockumentary as they want to be a part of it. The wide angle shot is used to show what’s going on around the main subjects (Jonah and his gang), which means that the viewer can have a sense of being there. The extreme long shot is used to show as much of the surroundings as possible so the viewer can see what is going on in the background.

Similarly, in the documentary “The Tribe”, some of the shots used are close up shots, wide angle shots and extreme close up shots. Like in the mockumentary, the CU shot is used to show detail so that the viewers don’t miss a thing. The wide angle shot is used to show the surroundings so that the viewer can see what is going on around the main subjects (Bruce Parry and the 3 members of the tribe). The extreme CU shot is used to show extra detail, like when you were seeing the bee up close.

Observation shot:

A sixth convention used in the mockumentary “Summer Heights High” is observation shot. This is linked to shot types because the amount of footage the viewer observes differs depending on the shot type. In the mockumentary, we sometimes see things from Jonah’s perspective, which means that we actually get to be a part of the mockumentary. This gives viewers a chance to be a part of the mockumentary as they are not just viewing things from afar; they are getting a real glimpse of life as Jonah.

Conversely, in the documentary “The Tribe”, the most frequently used shots were extreme CU shots. This means that viewers can see every tiny detail, so they won’t miss out on any information; they will be thoroughly engaged in the documentary.

Friday 12 October 2012

Final Treatment

Act 1:

KayDee, a quiet book geek and Janay, a shy film geek are best friends. They are walking through the school corridor talking about Nikisha, the manipulative school Barbie and mean bully. Janay says that she hates Nikisha and she still hasn’t forgiven Nikisha for what she did to her in Year 8. The camera gives a CU of Janay's face. Janay then talks about what Nikisha did to her in Year 8. This is the information included in her speech: Nikisha and Janay (who used to be best friends) acting on stage whilst being filmed by KayDee in film club. The three girls were asked to create a drama piece using a storyline from one of the books KayDee read. Janay was the main focus of the cameras as she was a better actress than Nikisha. This made Nikisha jealous so she pushed Janay off the stage which caused Janay to break her leg. Nikisha got kicked out of film club and Janay’s tears fell bitterly as she realised that the 6 year friendship between her and Nikisha had come to a devastating end. When Janay finishes speaking, the camera zooms out so that Janay and KayDee are both in the shot. Janay then stomps off leaving KayDee feeling a little guilty as she knows something that Nikisha and Janay don’t…

Act 2:

KayDee catches up with Janay who is hovering outside the door to the lunch room, looking a little uncomfortable. KayDee asks her what is wrong and she says that she feels scared about going to the lunchroom by herself because she is worried that Nikisha and her follower Carly will start bullying her. KayDee reassures her and they walk into the lunchroom as quickly as possible and find their usual seats near the window. KayDee immediately takes a book out of her bag and starts reading while Janay takes out her camera and starts watching previous footage. Nikisha comes over and yanks Janay’s hair hard while Carly (Nikisha’s follower and fellow Barbie) follows and knocks KayDee’s book out of her hand. Nikisha starts hurling abuse at KayDee and Janay but most of the abuse is for Janay. Carly gets fed-up of supporting Nikisha's verbal attacks and asks Nikisha why she’s always bullying KayDee and Janay when there are other people to bully. Nikisha says that she is still feeling hurt and angry over what happened in Year 8 and she explains that it wasn’t her fault that Janay fell off the stage.

Act 3:
Nikisha gives her point of view about what she thinks really happened (the camera gives a CU of her face). This is the information included in her speech: Nikisha and Janay (who used to be best friends) acting on stage whilst being filmed by KayDee in film club. The three girls were asked to create a drama piece using a storyline from one of the books KayDee read. Nikisha felt that that she was being left out because Janay was getting all the attention. Nikisha walked up to Janay to ask her to stop being so unfair but Nikisha tripped over her laces while she was walking to Janay. Nikisha lost her balance and fell onto Janay which meant that Janay also lost her balance and toppled over the stage. Janay broke her leg and Nikisha got kicked out of film club. Nikisha felt incredibly hurt and betrayed because she felt that her best friend for 6 years should have trusted her and realised that she would never do something like that on purpose. When Nikisha finishes speaking the camera zooms out so that it includes Janay, KayDee, Nikisha and Carly in the shot. Janay is speechless but recovers enough to accuse Nikisha of being a liar. Suddenly, Nikisha snaps and snatches Janay's camera from her hand, throws it on the floor and stamps on it. Janay freezes with an expression of shock and horror plastered on her face. Then, going completely against her sweet and gentle nature, she slaps Nikisha and screams at her. While all this is going on, KayDee stands helplessly on the side, growing more and more guilty with each passing second. Unable to stand seeing her best friend in so much emotional turmoil, KayDee says that she knows what really happened. Nikisha, Janay and Carly all look at her with identical expressions of disbelief on their faces. KayDee says that she has the footage of what actually happened in her attic...

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Treatment for Act 1 (Draft)

Act 1:
KayDee, a quiet book geek and Janay, a shy film geek are best friends who are walking through the school corridor talking about Nikisha, the manipulative school Barbie and mean bully. Janay says that she hates Nikisha and she still hasn’t forgiven Nikisha for what she did to her in Year 8. Janay has a flashback. The flashback shows Nikisha and Janay acting on stage whilst being filmed in film club. Janay is the main focus of the cameras as she is a better actress than Nikisha. This makes Nikisha jealous so she pushes Janay off the stage. Janay develops stage fright.

This is a rough draft of Act 1 of our mockumentary.

Friday 20 April 2012

WDK Sports Front Page

This was part of the magazine project I completed with Lauren and Firdowsa. Lauren and I created this together. Our picture on the front page is one of beach volleyball which combines sports and leisure together: (beach, where leisure activities take place and volleyball, a sport). Our text colours compliment the background and we didn't use too many fonts. This is the piece of work below:

Sunday 8 April 2012

Descriptive Moodboard of Woman

I made this piece of work in Publisher. This relates to the annotated version because I used pictures that related to the descriptions. I found this piece of work okay because I just had to look at the annotations and get pictures in correspondence to them. This is my piece of work below:

Descriptive Annotation of Woman

I used Publisher to create this piece of work. This is also a stereotypical observation of the picture in the middle. I have looked at a range of aspects such as her demographic group and lifestyle group. This is my piece of work below:

WDK Sports Questionnaire

This questionnaire was created in Word. I based this questionnaire on the magazine Firdowsa, Lauren and I created by using questions that related to the content of the magazine. This is my piece of work below:

WDK Sports Questionnaire:
1.    How old are you?
·       10-12
·       13-16
·       17-21
·       Other:
2.  What is your gender?
·       Male
·       Female
3.  Are you interested in sports?
·       Yes
·       No
·       Maybe
4.  If yes, why are you interested in sports?
5.  Would you like to go to the 2012 Olympics?
·       Yes
·       No
·       Maybe
6.  Do you have a sports fashion sense?
·       Yes
·       No
·       I never really think about it
·       I don’t care how I look
7.  Do you like sporty perfumes?
·       Yes
·       No
·       I don’t know
8.  How much would you spend on a sports and leisure magazine?
·       50p
·       100p-150p
·       200p-250p
·       300p or more
9.  Are you a competitive person?
·       Yes
·       No
·       Maybe
10.    Why/Why Not?