Friday 12 October 2012

Final Treatment

Act 1:

KayDee, a quiet book geek and Janay, a shy film geek are best friends. They are walking through the school corridor talking about Nikisha, the manipulative school Barbie and mean bully. Janay says that she hates Nikisha and she still hasn’t forgiven Nikisha for what she did to her in Year 8. The camera gives a CU of Janay's face. Janay then talks about what Nikisha did to her in Year 8. This is the information included in her speech: Nikisha and Janay (who used to be best friends) acting on stage whilst being filmed by KayDee in film club. The three girls were asked to create a drama piece using a storyline from one of the books KayDee read. Janay was the main focus of the cameras as she was a better actress than Nikisha. This made Nikisha jealous so she pushed Janay off the stage which caused Janay to break her leg. Nikisha got kicked out of film club and Janay’s tears fell bitterly as she realised that the 6 year friendship between her and Nikisha had come to a devastating end. When Janay finishes speaking, the camera zooms out so that Janay and KayDee are both in the shot. Janay then stomps off leaving KayDee feeling a little guilty as she knows something that Nikisha and Janay don’t…

Act 2:

KayDee catches up with Janay who is hovering outside the door to the lunch room, looking a little uncomfortable. KayDee asks her what is wrong and she says that she feels scared about going to the lunchroom by herself because she is worried that Nikisha and her follower Carly will start bullying her. KayDee reassures her and they walk into the lunchroom as quickly as possible and find their usual seats near the window. KayDee immediately takes a book out of her bag and starts reading while Janay takes out her camera and starts watching previous footage. Nikisha comes over and yanks Janay’s hair hard while Carly (Nikisha’s follower and fellow Barbie) follows and knocks KayDee’s book out of her hand. Nikisha starts hurling abuse at KayDee and Janay but most of the abuse is for Janay. Carly gets fed-up of supporting Nikisha's verbal attacks and asks Nikisha why she’s always bullying KayDee and Janay when there are other people to bully. Nikisha says that she is still feeling hurt and angry over what happened in Year 8 and she explains that it wasn’t her fault that Janay fell off the stage.

Act 3:
Nikisha gives her point of view about what she thinks really happened (the camera gives a CU of her face). This is the information included in her speech: Nikisha and Janay (who used to be best friends) acting on stage whilst being filmed by KayDee in film club. The three girls were asked to create a drama piece using a storyline from one of the books KayDee read. Nikisha felt that that she was being left out because Janay was getting all the attention. Nikisha walked up to Janay to ask her to stop being so unfair but Nikisha tripped over her laces while she was walking to Janay. Nikisha lost her balance and fell onto Janay which meant that Janay also lost her balance and toppled over the stage. Janay broke her leg and Nikisha got kicked out of film club. Nikisha felt incredibly hurt and betrayed because she felt that her best friend for 6 years should have trusted her and realised that she would never do something like that on purpose. When Nikisha finishes speaking the camera zooms out so that it includes Janay, KayDee, Nikisha and Carly in the shot. Janay is speechless but recovers enough to accuse Nikisha of being a liar. Suddenly, Nikisha snaps and snatches Janay's camera from her hand, throws it on the floor and stamps on it. Janay freezes with an expression of shock and horror plastered on her face. Then, going completely against her sweet and gentle nature, she slaps Nikisha and screams at her. While all this is going on, KayDee stands helplessly on the side, growing more and more guilty with each passing second. Unable to stand seeing her best friend in so much emotional turmoil, KayDee says that she knows what really happened. Nikisha, Janay and Carly all look at her with identical expressions of disbelief on their faces. KayDee says that she has the footage of what actually happened in her attic...

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful ideas. You have clearly used the 3 part treatment structure and included the intro, conflict and resolution. You have added precise detail to fully inform the audience about your ideas and used media lanaguge to express technical ideas clearly.

    Re-drafting - you have developed your work by adding detail and correcting puncuation mistakes.

