Friday 23 November 2012

Evaluating My Presentation

Evaluating My Presentation:

On Monday, we worked in our groups to deliver a pitch about our mockumentary. I decided to take the lead by discussing the storyline and talking about one of the characters (KayDee). I delivered my part of the presentation with confidence and ease.

One of the skills that I used was appropriate tone. I did this well because I emphasised certain words. I could do this skill better by exaggerating more to thoroughly engage the audience.

A second skill that I used was clear diction. I did this skill well because I knew what I was talking about so it was easy for me to pronounce the words that I used. I could do this skill better by using hand gestures and facial expressions to make the audience understand my ideas better.

A third skill that I used was eye contact with the audience. I did this skill well because I didn’t read straight off my paper which meant that my audience was engaged. I could do this skill better by using audience interaction; I could ask them questions to engage them in our presentation more.

A fourth skill that I used was projection of my voice. I did this skill well because I spoke loudly and clearly which meant that my audience could hear me and understand me. I could do this skill better by using different pitches e.g. low/high, as well as volume, when necessary to create a particular mood.

One skill that I didn’t use effectively was facial expressions. This is because my facial expression stayed the same throughout the presentation (happy). Jade also said that I need to develop this skill because she said that I need to “use facial expressions to communicate with the audience”. She said that I could do this by “practicing my facial expressions in front of a mirror to improve them”. I agree with this developmental feedback which is why I am going to practice a variety of different facial expressions in front of a mirror so that when I next do a presentation, I will be able to make my audience feel a range of different emotions.

A second skill that I need to improve is the use of hand gestures. This is because I didn’t memorise my script which meant that I had to hold the paper. Someone else in the class also said that I need to improve this skill and they said that I could do this by “putting down my paper”. This developmental feedback isn’t very clear because they didn’t say what would cause me to put down my paper i.e. memorising my script. However, I do agree with them and now I know that I should always memorise whatever I am going to say: I will be able to use more presentation skills this way.

Overall, I believe that I used appropriate tone, clear diction, eye contact and projection of my voice well. To improve, I need to use hand gestures and a range of facial expressions.

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