Saturday 16 March 2013

Evaluation For Discussion Skills

In our group discussion, I contributed my ideas and tried to get everyone to input their ideas. For example, I asked what everyone thought the second advert should be and I also inputted my own ideas when everyone else had replied. I also tried to solve problems diplomatically with my group and I tried to make everyone feel involved. For example, when Shana said that she thought that the second advert should be a YouTube banner, I asked Chante what she thought the second advert could be.
I am pleased with my contributions because I acted as the voice of reason among my group. For example, when the others disagreed with each other, I tried to come up with either the best possible solution or a compromise. This meant that when the others argued, I did my best to calm them down so that it wouldn't turn into a fight. I also contributed ideas without making myself the only person who contributed ideas. This is because I tried to let everyone speak before I spoke because I didn't want to come across as bossy.
One of the issues we had within our group is that Chante didn't want to do Justin Bieber because she wanted to do Chris Brown but Shana wanted to do Justin Bieber. Carly and I thought that it would be better to do Justin Bieber as he is the biggest teen sensation in the world which means that he would appeal to more people than Chris Brown would. Chante really wanted to do Chris Brown but we tried to make her see reason so eventually she decided to be mature and do Justin Bieber.
One way that I could improve my discussion skills would be by trying even harder to get everyone's voices to be heard when discussing. This is because their were certain times in our group when some voices were heard more than others, so next time I will try to get the quieter people within the group to be more confident in voicing their opinions by asking them questions to develop their answers and by telling the others to give them a chance.

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