Thursday 29 December 2011

Taxi Ride Storyboard

This piece of work is a hand drawn storyboard of the first 4 scenes of my script. I had to include camera shots and camera movements in this storyboard using arrows: White, big arrows for shots and black, thin arrows for camera shots. some shots I used were:
  • CU- Close up: From shoulders up
  • WS- Wide shot: The whole body of the person in focus.
Some camera movements I used were:
  • Boom- Camera moves up and down
  • Dolly- Camera moves as if following a person or moving between two people- sometimes on a track.
This is my work below:

Lights...Camera...Kardashian split from Humphries: 200 words

This is similar to the 150 word version of this 'magazine article' but I found it more challenging because I used the 150 word version as a template while I had to add more details, while trying not to exceed the word restriction. With a lot of thought, I eventually accomplished it.
This is my work below:

Lights...Camera...Kardashian split from Humphries
Unsurprisingly, Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries the basketball player split up after just 72 days from their incredibly OTT marriage in California, the land of sand and sunshine. Kim is heading to Australia to launch her new show which is called A Day in a Life of Kim Kardashian in Australia. She went to LAX airport to board her plane without any rings and is still waiting for the divorce to be finalised. Kris is said to be rather ‘devastated’ by the ‘surprising’ turn of events and from the dramatic split. Unlike Kim, he is still wearing the wedding ring. Unfortunately for him, I don’t think he realises that Kim is very serious about the divorce because, I state again, she is NOT WEARING HER WEDDING RING. But maybe Kris simply doesn’t quite understand that Kim is no longer feeling any warm feelings towards him. After all, Kim herself stated that she never was attracted to Kris as our sources tell us that the entire marriage was a complete hoax. Apparently, this was all an effort to boost the ratings for Kim’s new show. Poor, innocent and Kris: looks like he just got his heart stamped on till it broke into two.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Lights...Camera...Kardashian split from Humphries: 150 words

I used Microsoft Word to create this piece of work. This was similar to the Katy Perry writing copy because I had to use the same word restriction of 150 words but this had a different content. This is my work below:

Lights...Camera...Kardashian split from Humphries
Unsurprisingly, Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries the basketball player split up after just 72 days from their OTT marriage in California. Kim is heading to Australia to launch her new show which is called A Day in a Life of Kim in Australia. She went to LAX airport to board her plane without any rings and still waiting for the divorce to be finalised. Kris is said to be ‘devastated’ from the dramatic split and is still wearing the wedding ring. Unfortunately for him, I don’t think he realises that Kim is very serious about the divorce because, I state again, she is NOT WEARING HER WEDDING RING. But maybe Kris simply doesn’t understand. After all, Kim herself stated that she never was attracted to Kris as our sources tell us the marriage was a hoax. Apparently, this was all an effort to boost the ratings for Kim’s new show. Poor Kris.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Gaming Magazine- Audience and Content

These are my moodboards below:
 Questions and Answers:
 Describe the images added to your moodboards: games, game consoles, game companies, famous characters, cars, tv shows, sports, clothes, food, drink and hobbies. (P)

 Explain why you chose your images: I chose these images because they strongly represent who young men are and what they like/do. (M)

What does your moodboard communicate about your product? My moodboard (content) shows that young men are stereotyped to like mainly violent games because nowadays if you see a violent game, it normally has 15 or 18 written on it as the youngest group of people who are allowed to play these games. (M)

Who are your audience? How are they represented on your moodboard? 15 to 25 year old men. They are represented on my moodboard (audience) as males who love sports, hope to fall in love, love food and who love technology. (D)

Why are your chosen images appropriate? They are appropriate because young men tend to have a fascination with sports, mainly football. They also, stereotypically, get defensive over their chosen football teams so Man Utd is a good example of this. They also tend to love fast cars which is why the ferrari and Top Gear is a good choice for this. They also tend to love food so Mcdonalds and the beer represent this. They (most not all) have girlfriends and sometimes fall in love for the first time so the love heart represents this well. They (mainly 15 year olds) also love their trainers because they are the 'height of fashion'. Finally, I chose red as my main theme because red represents things like danger and anger and young men can be dangerous sometimes when they get angry because they haven't matured yet. (Sterotypically) (D) 