Thursday 29 September 2011

Nicki Minaj

This piece of work was made using the same skills/tools I have learnt before:
  • Masking
  • Magic Wand
  • Layers
  • Rulers
However this piece of work is different from the Kanye West because I have added more coverlines and a clear masthead (Exposed). I think I have done better in this piece of work than the Kanye West one because even though this piece of work is still unfinished, I have had more text to align using the rulers. Therefore, it is clear that I have definitely used the rulers.

Kanye West

I used Photoshop to produce my magazine cover. It is still a work in progress but I understood what to do; all I needed was a little bit of help. I used rulers to align my work and I was able to mask the image with only a little bit of assistance and I was able to import images easily. I have created a clear masthead and I have added only one coverline. But as I said, it is still a work in progress.
Skills I used:
  • Rulers to align the coverlines (text on the magazine cover) and make the work look professional
  • Two colours to complement the image (Kanye West was wearing grey, red, black and white and so far I have used the colours red and black)
  • A legible font so that the reader can understand the text
  • As I stated before, a clear masthead (SOURCE)
  • An appropriate coverline (Kanye West)