Monday 19 March 2012


This was when we and my team decided what was roughly going to go in our magazines. As we went further into the project, we made some changes in what was going to appear in our magazines. This is the original flatplan below:

Flatplan for 8 Page Magazine
Group Name:
MAG: WDK sports 
No Limits

Issue 14
Four layered titled
A summary of what’s going to be in the magazine.
Appropriate pictures (photo-shopped)

Page 2
Editor’s note

Page 3
Advertising the Olympics
Different sports tasking place
The mascots and games featuring the mascots
Famous sports players taking part in the Olympics
Page 4 and 5
Double page spread about the Olympics including sports
Sports clothes sports shoes
Sports equipments
Double page spread about the Olympics including sports
Sports clothes sports shoes
Sports equipments
Sports bags
For Him
For Her

Page 6
Hobbies page: interviews about what people like to do in their free time. For example reading
Listening to music watching favourite films
Page 7
Music and film reviews
Latest films that would appeal to our target audience
Latest music videos

Back cover P8
Advertise ‘SPORTY’ scents perfume and deodorants you can use and wear while playing sports. For HIM, FOR HER

1 comment:

  1. Mr Monahan, plz help me adjust the writing of the flat plan because I've edited it about 6 times and it's really irritating me! Thankz!!:)
